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Are you ready to help them? Let's become a campus volunteer!

Food Cart With Difference

Chop1st offers everyone access to nutritious and affordable food while enabling compassionate individuals and organizations to directly support those in need by purchasing food carts created by the needy recipients or contributing to our angelic pool. Food vendors deliver these items to the recipients, ensuring your support directly combats extreme hunger and expands our impact, benefiting communities, students, and school children.

Student's Education

A secure and user-friendly online donation platform that accepts Students at Tertiary level

Healthy Food

Healthy foods delivered through user-friendly secured platform to those people in need of it.

Medical Care

A highly reduced medical care cost is delivered to the populace via fresh foods consumption.

Work Force

A healthy work force is readily available for economic well being of our society at large.

Farmers Crop

A secure and user-friendly online Agric produce distribution direct to Sellers and cunsumers alike.

Medical Care

A reduced medical care cost is introduced in the Work force of the national economy.

We supply and give food to vulnerable People
Start giving food to extremely hungry people

Helping each other can make ourworld better

In a world that often feels transactional, selfish, and chaotic, true kindness stands out. What impact could your kindness have on someone who needs it most?
Volunteering offers opportunities to develop new skills and gain valuable experience. This will include organization, leadership, communication, project management, and teamwork skills.

Start helping them

Raising awareness about our mission and cause.

Make Donations for

Fund Raising to start and sutain our project.

  • Hoping to feed 3,265 vulnerable famileis daily.
  • We give Students and Children a gift of education
  • Farmers sell their farm prooduce to a readily available market.
  • We help companies develop powerful corporate social Responsibility,
Children get a gift of education

Become a volunteer?

We give students support to their education

Make donation to us?

Start Feeding Families and Students Facing Extreme Hunger

Join The Community To Give Food to Vulnearble Families & Students

Support Where It Counts.

Notice: Test mode is enabled. While in test mode no live donations are processed.

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28 May 2022, 31 Dead

Port Harcourt Stampede, Rivers State.

23 Feb 2024, 7 Dead

Customs Rice Distribution, Lagos State.

22 March 2024, 2 Dead.

Nassarawa State University, Nassarawa State.

March 23 2024,7 Dead

Shafa Holdings, Bauchi State.

8 April 2024,10 Dead

Sokoto Sallah Stampede, Sokoto State.

18 Dec 2024,40 Dead

Childrens Christmas Party,Oyo State

21 December 2024, 10 Dead

Holy Trinity Church, Abuja(FCT).

21 December 2024, 22 Dead

Rice Distribution Okija, Anambara State.

Start Feeding Families Facing Extreme Hunger

Eradicate Hunger to Make a Difference

ChopFirst integrates advanced e-commerce technology with social impact to ensure accessible and nutritious food for everyone. Angelic pool is the voluntary act of giving help, typically in the form of money,or resources, to those in need. We aim to solve social, environmental, and economic challenges by addressing issues like Food availability, Good nutrition etc.

  • To democratize food access through innovative technology
  • Use of strategic partnerships to access vulnerable people
  • Empowering communities nutritionally and economically.
  • To eliminate extreme hunger in our immediate society
  • Ensuring every household has sustainable access to nutritious food
  • Farmers get to distribute their farm produce effecitiently
  • A digital commodity market to regulate inflation and food scarcity
  • We help companies develop impactful corporate social responsibilty
  • Collaboration with Efficient Delivery service partners
  • 24/7 Dedicated advanced Tech Services



Fund Raised

Donate Now

Funds Raised are for

Start up & Angelic pool
